Prakhar Psychological testing and research centre

Home Environment Scale (HES): (Bilingual)

The Home Environment Scale measures the quality of an individual’s home environment across eight key areas for the 16-21 age group.It consists of 40 items in a Likert-type rating format, available in Hindi and English, with high reliability and validity.

Eight Important Areas Measured by the Home Environment Scale:

1. Family Structure: Evaluates the organization and dynamics within the family.

2. Family Supportiveness: Assesses the level of emotional and practical support provided by family members.

3. Expressiveness: Measures the extent to which family members freely express their emotions and thoughts.

4. Family Communication: Evaluates the clarity, openness, and effectiveness of communication within the family.

5. Family Acceptance: Assesses the level of acceptance and understanding among family members.

6. Conflict Resolution: Measures the family’s ability to address and resolve conflicts constructively.

7. Financial Stress: Evaluates the impact of financial pressures on the home environment.

8. Joyful Living: Assesses the overall happiness and sense of joy within the family.

This scale helps in understanding the strengths and challenges of the home environment and how it influences individual well-being.